Jolly Weltschmerz

Artistic Cabaret, Riddersalen Teater
By Mette K. Madsen, Charlotte Munksø, Trine Wisbech and me
A cabaret about climate-shame, love, relationship, dishwasher-loading, having kids, doing the right thing, surviving frustration, anger, sadness and loneliness. Everything is served with a tongue int the cheek and absurd humour, wild drums, laser lights- and odd instruments like a lyre!

Avantgarde Cabaret, Bådteatret ( CPH)
By Livingstones Cabinet, Adelaide Bentzon, Pille Behrendt and me
This performance tells the apocrypha story of Lilith, Adams first wife, who got kicked out of paradise, because she had her own will and did not behave. The performance is a mixture of dance, song, music, text and absurd and sexy scenes.